Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the great wall

ok so here we are ryan and i at the great wall, well i didnt realize he hadnt gotten on the ski lift with me so i decided to jump out!!! trust me if you ever get the chance to go to the wall never jump off the lift the guys there flip out and start yelling in chinese, if you look at the second pic you will see the 2nd yellow pole that building to the left of it is where we started at and trust me it was a lil different riding the ski lift up to the top and hearing every little sound. so anyways here we are walking the wall and for 2 soldiers it shouldnt be a problem right?, WRONG 1 hour of walking the wall and my legs were thru thankgod we took a break at the top for about 30-45mins drinking our victory beers at the end of the wall!

if you look at the pic above you can see the building at the very top of the hill that is our stopping point little did we know we would be forced to stop there anyways because that is the end of the wall.ok so we had our beer and now its time to head back down where our driver was waiting for us, i turned around and saw this view and the first thing out of my mouth was"holy s*i* did we really hike up that and now we have to go down it"


Anonymous said...

Imagine over how many dead bodies you walked on which that wall is built...uurgghh..

beautiful view! ( and i am not talking about ur half naked friend!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Great to see you back on here! Good pictures and good times..we had a blast didn't we? Sure hope we can repeat it in November!!! Have you posted "Schlo-Mo" yet? Let me know I want to share it the girls here and with a few other folks! I love you take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

And whose foolish idea was it that mom should do this with you sometime? It's like Q said when we were with her, "I'll do the Great Wall, when somone carries me up". Glad you and Ryan got to experience that together. Is he back there with you yet?

Anonymous said...

Soooo how meny miles of the wall did you hike one way. never mind not a big hiker but a great watcher! great pic do it while you are young i ran out of steam after 48 and sill dident find it. S T E B

SPC.Dude said...

yeah who knows but then you also have to wonder how many dead bodies are lying under us everyday we walk here in europe.

mom- yea i think we had a great time, no i havent posted the videos yet but i will let you and dad know as soon as they are. and i cant wait for november i think it should be fun with erin and mike there i wish tanja was able to come but i guess we will have to do it on our own since when we go dad will already be back in the states

STEB- you have to atleast go up there for maybe 15-30mins and when you are there there will be snow on the wall to, plus i already gave my dad the job of taking pics of the wall covered in snow bc i am sure it looks more amazing then when i was there.

Thunder said...

Well well, how the army has made you two soft! I hiked/climbed 10K on the wall from JinShanLing to SimaTai and it took 6 hour! ;-)

Hey do you have any idea when Ryan may be coming back through before he heads back to Europe?