Thursday, August 21, 2008

temple of heaven

ok this blog i am sorry to say still makes me crack up because i was in there for 2 1/2 hours and when i got home and told mom and dad they were trying to figure out how i could spend 2 1/2 hours in there. so i open the map of the grounds and then they realized they had only seen 2 of the atractions out of the maybe 10-12 attractions there. so mom and dad this blog is for you so you can finally see the whole area LOL .so now i get done looking at this and our driver who is muslim i found out was going to take me to the mosque there, well i found out he took me to the biggest muslim district in beijing and to the #1mosque in beijing, the only thing was that well with the olympics it was closed so the muslim athlets could pray still, i told Mr. Ma that maybe in november he can take me there and i should be able to get pics of this place again from the inside.
well now i dont know if many of you heard about the mosque and how they choose the colors for them, it has to represent the country in which it is, that is why in kuwait it is blue(water,pursian gulf) and tan(sand) since that is what represents kuwait the best. besides mom and dad who have been there here is the question for the rest of you out there, "why is this mosque Green?" dont think too hard but once you hear the answer it will make sense. you have 2 days


Thunder said...

Thanks Dude, thsoe were nice shots of the Temple and surrounding attractions!

Anonymous said...

yeah, it screams for a history lesson! Beautiful architecture, im sure u dont get the real impression as standing in front of it.

Anonymous said...

green because of the lush green country it is in S T E B

Anonymous said...

I don't know why but it certainly is green!!! It's nice to see you back blogging. Maybe STEB will leave you alone now for a while? LOL!

Anonymous said...

dude your pictures are beautiful and so glad you had a nice time.Hope to see more pictures of your trip. smokin