Thursday, July 16, 2009

2 Years!!!!

Today is the 2 year anniversary of Tanja and my relationship. It has been the best 2 years of my life and i wouldnt trade it for the world. Yeah sure we have had our ups and downs but at the end of it all we both know the other one loves us still. So 2 years ago I was sitting in the barracks in Heidelburg and was getting ready for my training to go to Kuwait, One day while i was checking my "Myspace" i saw i had a message from someone. This someone said that she agreed with everything i had said on my profile,I had just been thru a bad break-up, well I was afraid at first to write back I didnt want it to turn into something and possibly end like my last relationship. I think i waited a few days and then decided to write her. Man am I glad i did that. We talked for weeks and decided to meet. i saw her drive up to the parkhouse by my old APT., she almost drove past me,strange since i was the only soldier in uniform there but owell. she looked at me and i knew from there on that she was the one for me. Her beautiful brown eyes, long dark hair, very smart, and made me laugh over those weeks b4 we met. well now we jump to 2 years later, She still has those brown eyes, dark hair, is extremely smart, and a Fantastic Mother.......oh AND she still makes me crack up. Her family as adapted me and i love her family.



STEB said...

congratulation Must seam like a long time to such a young man as yourself just speaking from experence ;)

SPC.Dude said...

LOL im not touching that one. but no it hasnt seemed that long i think bc i have been gone for almost 1/2 of that time. and i really cant speak about the age bc thats WAY too easy lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks baby,

Sorry for making it hard on you sometimes. But still never felt more comfortable with anybody else before and i could never rely on anybody better than on you. Thanks for making me believe in trusting a person again, being able to believe your word and loving; unconditional love that you give Trey and me.... I hope you feel that your getting the same back.
Sooner than you think we will put a 0 behind that 2...cant wait to enjoy the 2 years with you after i finally get out of here....



Anonymous said...

Congrats you two! We love all three of you! And yes Dude, she is funny! I think that's why we welcome her into our family! You have to have a sense of humor in this gang! Happy anniversary to both of you and give Trey a hug!

Thunder said...

Well Dude, You've been to hell and back and it's good to see that you've found someone that makes you feel that way. I look forward to meeting her someday!

Although you should never forget what I told you years ago about the link between women and evil! ;-)

Anonymous said...

RBP-Don't worry I'll make him pay for that Women/Evil remark! (It is a pretty funny story tho)
Love ya!

SPC.Dude said...

mom- I know that the family welcomes her, grandmother already did something like what she did with you with the "shut-up" if im not mistaken,right?

dad- yeah i know what you mean there is a lil of one of those but im not saying which one!!

Honey- i love you even if you just got your ass handed to you bc you were trying to read over my shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Hey don't blame me. I'm an innocent bystander. I love you all and want you to be as happy as we are. jaf

Anonymous said...

Dude-Your Grandmother never told me to shut up! I said I couldn't taste the beer and she said get her one of the cheap ones! Nothing like saying Shut up! You knucklehead! JAF he's makin' stuff up now!

SPC.Dude said...

of course i was, i just wanted to say that i think tanja passed the passage to becoming a wise lol, sorry if i got anyone in trouble

Anonymous said...

i am out... i stopped understanding what you guys are writing about after the 3rd message...and that was
Thanks to everybody for making it so easy to love you though, i mean all of YOU. MUAH